Updates galore! My article on Reality is finally finished. I've also added some humor. Truth is up next. I've already got some stuff written on that topic, so it shouldn't be as long of a wait.
Alexander K. Gunkel
Updates galore! My article on Reality is finally finished. I've also added some humor. Truth is up next. I've already got some stuff written on that topic, so it shouldn't be as long of a wait.
Ok, I now have MacOS X up! Check out my screenshot. More stuff will be up this week.
I've updated the HTML for this page to make it render properly on a wider variety of browsers. Certain browsers made by a certain company that makes a really crappy OS which just happens to rhyme with "Winblows" took a little too much liberty when rendering the old code...
It's official! MacOS X is now available! I'm expecting my copy on Monday.
Sorry for the broken promises about the updates. I've been working on finishing a couple of books I've been reading. However, I do hope to post my finished article on Reality in a couple of days, probably on Tuesday or Wednesday.Harry Browne has launched his new project, the American Liberty Foundation. This foundation works to advance Libertarian ideas using a full spread of media, with a focus on television and the web. They plan to make a host of commercials promoting the Libertarian political philosophy of "More freedom, every issue." The commercials will focus on one issue at a time and the goal is to have groups play durring the breaks in one show, so that the viewer will get a solid dose of the Libertarian view on an issue durring his evening entertainment.
I've added part three of my hypothesis of consciousness.
I promise that more of my philosophy will be up soon.
I've revised my USB/FireWire Drive Tower article.
I'm working on getting my philosophy writings up. The intro went up today. More will be coming soon.
Happy Birthday Silvia!
I've updated all of my pages to the new color scheme. I will add some more material soon.
Happy Birthday to me! :-)
Work continues on this site, although some of it's behind the scenes. I'm trying this new color scheme out, I think I'll be sticking with it. It looks a little bit more amature-ish than the pastel scheme I had going, but it also looks more masculine ;-)
More articles should be put up later this week.
I added my "about me" section and my collection of quotes today. They're under "Other Stuff" on the left.
I will work on getting the rest of the items listed on the left up over the next week or so.
Ok, so this is my site. I've had it for about a month now but I just got around to doing anything with it this weekend. Yes, I suck.
Now that I have that out of the way, here's what I'm doing with this place:
When I start doing any of that, this page will be updated again. ;-)